What time is it in [City/Location]?
Where was [Famous Person] born?
How old is [Famous Person]?
Who is [Famous Person] married to?
Who is [Famous Person]’s [Sister/Brother/Mom/Dad]?
Who wrote [Book Name]?
When was [Movie Name] released?
Runtime of [Movie Name]?
Who is the Producer of [Movie Name]?
Who acted in [Movie Name]?
What are the best [Actor/Actress] movies?
Oscar winner of [Year]?
Who invented the [Invention Name]?
How do you say [Word or Phrase] in [Language]?
What does [word to be defined] mean?”
What’s [Company Name] ‘s stock price?”
“What is [Company Name] trading at?
What’s [amount or measurement] in [unit of measurement]?
What is the square root of [number]?